
Flights Galore! Ryanair Announce A Massive Seat Sale, But You Better Act Fast!

For those of you afraid of the idea of heavily discounted air travel bringing affordable international holidays to the masses then this is the point where you should stop reading. Ryanair, they love nothing more than heavily slashing the prices of their flights. This is but one of the many days where I thank my lucky stars I am not an employee of the Ryanair finance department. "Yet another sale!?" I imagine one of the harangued accountants plaintively wailing, thudding his pale fist down in frustration on one of those large fancy calculators that accountants have, as he sees the email announcing the news ping into his inbox, "However are we to turn a profit when we're essentially doing everything short of offering to piggyback potential holidaymakers to Bologna or whatever destination has tickled their fancy?"

Thankfully, as I said, such concerns are the preserve of the Ryanair finance department. It is up to us to avail of such profound, and fiscally irresponsible, discounts to any of their dozens of destinations. If you're sick and tired of Dublin and looking for a complete change of scenery, why not fly to 'Lublin? Full disclosure here, I began that train of thought in a vaguely disparaging manner, simply due to the fact that Lublin had a powerfully similar name to Dublin - up until the last thirty seconds or so, I knew nothing of Lublin beyond this. However, having done the most cursory of research and actually looking it up on Google images, I am pleased to say that Lublin actually looks remarkably pretty and like a thoroughly lovely destination.

Lublin. Lovely stuff.

With flights starting from €9.99 and flying from Dublin, Cork, Shannon, Knock and Kerry the world is your oyster*. The sale is subject to availability and is for flights between May 2019 - March 2020 so you can book your flights to Lublin**, or any other inferior destination of your choosing. Be warned though, these seats are going to sell out faster than Adam Sandler presented with the opportunity to star in another sub-standard, artistically bankrupt, but incredibly well remunerated film.

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*Or at least those parts of the world that Ryanair directly fly to from these airports are your oyster.

**This article was in no way affiliated with the Tourist Board of Lublin - despite our numerous attempts to get in touch through email, letter, phone and one imploring self-penned ballad uploaded to YouTube to try get their attention.

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