
Sh*t That Guys In Bands Are Sick Of Hearing

Whether you are are the hottest band on the scene or the best wedding band on the market, there is no getting away from those questions that you get asked over and over again. At first you don't mind humoring them, but after a while it gets really old and you just pretend to care. Here are the things the guys in bands are sick of hearing.

15) When are you guys going to get signed?

Well, I can't put and an exact date on it, but I would say by the end of next week we should get the call from EMI .

14) Have you been on the Late Late?

This is usually asked by someone who doesn't know that much about music. So the first thing they think of is the Late Late because that was the last time they saw a band playing.

13) Which band member are you?

Well, I'm not the drummer cause I'm not on drums, I'm not the bassist because I don't have a bass and I'm not the guitar player because I don't have a guitar. So by process of elimination I must play the cowbell.

12) What kind of music do you play?

Bands usually give the most vague answer imaginable. "We're like Indie, but electro but kind of more Folky with a bit of Techno and  some Dubstep you know what I mean?"

11) Can I play your guitar?

Can you play the guitar that I spent €1,000 on, sure as long as I supervise you at all times and you only play chords and nothing else.

10) Could you play at my sister's wedding

I don't know how you are, or your sister and you want us to play at her wedding. You do know we don't play covers? And we probably wouldn't suit a wedding, but we need the

9) Would you go on the Xfactor?


8) How about Britains Got Talent then?

No, just No

7) When you're famous will I get free tickets to your gigs?

Yeah, that's how it works when you get famous the first thing you think about is giving free tickets to that random person that went to one of your gigs.

 6) Do you know any [Insert Hipster Band here]?

This is the guy who thinks he knows every band there is and wears that Joy Division T-shirt to every gig. He asks if you know any Stone Roses, Talking Heads or Metronomy. Of course you don't know how to play their songs, but at least I actually play an instrument instead of wishing I did.

5) You know my Dad went to school with Phil Lynott

Great well my Dad was actually in Thin Lizzy back in the early days. Yeah, that usually shuts them up.

4) Play that tune....... you know the one

Yes of course I know all of the tunes.

3) Go on play Wonderwall


2) How long have you been playing guitar?

When you get asked it a lot you tend to shorten the amount of time you say you have been playing to impress them.

1) So when are you going to get a real job?

I don't need one, I play music.

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I'm a musician and a writer, or a writer and a musician, I can't make up my mind, Either way I'm not particularly good at either. A bit of an old fashioned guy, who enjoys the simpler things in life, nothing fancy.