
'She's Still Into Justin Bieber' Signs That Your Girlfriend Is Too Immature For You

We all have that friend with that girlfriend whose on the borderline - she's extremely immature and way younger than he is! Well, here are the surefire signs that your girlfriend is too immature for you.

10. She still plays a GameBoy.

If your girlfriend still plays Pokemon Blue on her Gameboy, I'm afraid she's too immature for you.

9 The waiter gives her a children's colouring book and some crayons.

If you take your girlfriend to a restaurant, and the waiter hands her a colouring book, crayons or a "kiddie's menu", she's far too immature for you.

8. She wears shoes that light up when she walks.

In fairness, them shoes are unbelievably cool, but there comes a certain age when you shouldn't be wearing them anymore.

7. She's in love with Justin Bieber.

If she's obsessed with Justin Bieber or shrieks like a banshee when One Direction come on the radio, she's just too immature for you.

6. She got an 'F' on her spelling test.

If she fails her spelling tests in school, she's either too dumb or too immature for you. We'll let you decide.

5. She gets drunk off 2 beers.

Your girlfriend gets drunk off a maximum of 2 beers on a night out. Sorry, she's too immature for you!

4. If she hasn't got her learner's licence.

If your girlfriend still hasn't got her driving learner's permit. Really? 17 is the legal driving age! If she doesn't have it, she's too immature for you.

3. The "half your age plus seven" rule.

Ah yes, the rule that you just can't beat no matter what ages you try it with. It's fail proof! This is the universal equation to determine if you can date a potential girl. It works every time.

2. She only holds your hand when crossing the street.

If the only time that your girlfriend holds your hand is when she's crossing the street, she's too immature for you.

1. She still plays with her toys...

Not the good kind... If your girlfriend still plays with her Baby Born or My Little Pony, she's definitely too immature for you.

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Ian is a contributing writer for CollegeTimes. He is currently partying his ass off for the Summer having spent the past 7 years at various colleges across the globe. While by no means an athlete, he considers himself a world class darts player... If you tweet him he will not respond.