
Signs You're Finally Becoming A Grown Up

So you're a student, but your learning the ways of the world. No longer have you to put up with being grounded, no pocket money, being sent to your room. Responsibility is only around the corner and boy will it hit you with a bang; taxes, bills, marriage, kids....has your head nearly exploded? I thought so. Best to take it step by step. Here's a start anyway, signs you're finally becoming a grown up.

1. FAT are aware of the glory of fat pants which come out whenever you are watching

2. You shake your head and tut

at the sight of people in their late teens who are making the same life mistakes you did, but you don't say anything because..."they have to learn".

3. You can no longer do 4+ consecutive nights on the piss

4. You notice your parents are slowly but surely are cutting you off.

Not like full on "we've cut up your credit card" but you no longer appear on the health insurance or they've made an "office" out of your bedroom.

5. You realise that other people may have had a point with their favourite things and that your taste was only grounded in not liking anyone else's.

6. You know who the majority of the ministers of state are...

7. You finally appreciate how much effort...

and money it took for you parents to keep the fridge stocked when you were younger as you stare at your own fridge that contains two cans of Dutch gold and a yoghurt.

8. There is an abundance of annoying baby pictures and life problems sneaking into your newsfeed from your friends on Facebook.

9. You use the phrase, “Kids these days…”

10. Your metabolism is slowing down, seen by the fact that you have to work twice as hard in the gym.

11. Missing social events because you're "too tired" or some other lame excuse..

12. You find yourself drifting towards the 30+s on Tinder

13. You have a self imposed bedtime

14. You used to hate you love vegetables

15. You only drink on weekends.

16. You actually enjoy (prefer) watching movies on your own.

17. You have a five year plan

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Ian is a contributing writer for CollegeTimes. He is currently partying his ass off for the Summer having spent the past 7 years at various colleges across the globe. While by no means an athlete, he considers himself a world class darts player... If you tweet him he will not respond.