
Stars & Stripes: The Best 4th Of July Fashion Inspiration

The fourth of July is coming and so there's no better time to break out the stars, stripes and bandanas than right now. Prepare for an evening of all-American patriotism, flags and fireworks coming at you from every which side and get set to celebrate a country that has given us stuff like the 'Friends', Springsteen and the almighty cheeseburger. So, in order to prepare you and to ensure that you're looking your level best, here's some of the best 4th of July fashion inspiration for you all:

Celebrate the 4th of July properly and head to the All-American Day Drinking Beer Pong Party! Wear your best red white and blue and spend the day eating hot dogs and listening to All-American tunes.

Attend the event HERE on Facebook and enter to win free booze and 10 free tickets! See you there ya'll!

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Sinead enjoys nothing more than taking short country strolls, watching upper class crime thrillers and planning her next romantic gesture. A true romantic at heart, she spends 364 days of the year counting down until the next February 14th.