
Surprising Ways To Make Money When You're A Broke College Student

Lads and ladies, we here at College Times have a genuine understanding of the word 'skint,' as it's something we are pretty much all the time. Especially being a college student, it can be difficult to balance lectures and a social life when you've got no income. Thankfully there's loads of things you can do as a student to make some cash on the side. The pints don't pay for themselves, eh?

1. Online Surveys

Sure look, there's tons of surveys online that'll companies will pay to to take. Have a quick search on Google and you're bound to come up with lots of options.

2. Mobile Phone Recycling

See if anywhere near you takes old phones for money. While that old flip phone might not get you much, the last version of your iPhone might get you a few quid.

3. Fiverr is a place where you sell 'gigs' like designing logos, drawing, or even reviewing business websites all for a fiver. While you can't make a lot on one job, it can certainly add up!

4. Selling Textbooks

Have those old textbooks from previous semesters just lying around? Sell them back online on Amazon or similar sites. You can end up getting some good extra cash if you've got quite a few, or some of the more advanced ones!

5. Selling Old Games, Movies, and CDs

If you've got old games you're not playing, movies you're not watching, or CDs you're not listening to, pop them onto Amazon resale or eBay. You never know, that special edition of a movie might be worth something.

6. Tutoring

Really good at a particular subject? Help out some kids with studying for their leaving cert and get paid to do it!

7. Freelance Writing

If you're good at writing and you've got some time, look into freelance writing. A lot of places will pay you to write a few articles a week for their sites.

8. Busking

If you've got a talent, why not show everyone? Busking can be fun since you're doing something you enjoy while also making some money off it.

9. Selling Your Clothes

If you've got clothes that you haven't worn in forever or don't fit, take them to a local consignment shop or sell them online.

10. Selling Stuff On eBay

You can sell literally anything on eBay (pretty sure someone tried to sell Harry Styles' used water bottle once), so get creative with things you don't need anymore!

11. Selling Your Notes

If you're a fab notetaker, there's sites that will pay you for your notes for the classes you're already done with. This could come in handy if you've still got all those old notebooks!

12. Transcribing

If you've got a knack for being able to easily understand audio, then transcribing is probably a pretty easy way for you to make cash.

13. Selling Stock Photos

Can you take a good photo? Sell them to stock sites! They'll pay cash for photos that they can use as stock images.

14. Dog Walking

What better way to make cash than to walk adorable dogs who are amazing??

15. Research/Focus Groups

See if your local university is doing any for the psych department, as they often end up paying out money for your time.

16. Donating Plasma

Since it takes quite a long time to donate plasma, lots of plasma banks will pay you a small fee for your time and donation.

17. Donating Sperm

Yes, this is actually a really lucrative option for you young, verile guys. Take advantage while you can!

18. Work Study Through Your College

See if your college offers work study, and if you qualify you can get set up with a pretty simple, on-campus job!

Video: Ways To Make Money FAST As A Broke College Student!

Credit: CiCi Dawn

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American student interning in Ireland for the semester. Lover of dogs and bad puns.