
The 23 Kinds of Friends You Have On Snapchat

We send all sorts of hilarious or unnecessary snaps to our friends. But there are those certain friends on Snapchat who build themselves a rep for a certain kind of snap. We here at are as guilty as the rest of you when it comes to our addiction to Snapchat and we all fit into at least one of these categories. But which one are you?

1. The Artist

This friend is more than likely a Fine Arts graduate, bored or unemployed. Whenever your phone lights up with that little ghost man and you see their name you can't wait to unleash the snapsterpiece they have spent the hour doodling. Whether it's the Mona Lisa or an animated Disney character, you know you're in for a treat.

2. The Shithead

I don't want to open it, but I have too. This friend will share their lunch with you, but not in the form of a a babybell, but in the aftermath. With the caption "I had tuna sweetcorn today lol." your eyes will gaze upon a lovely poo belonging to your proud friend who finds delight in your disgust.

3. The Creep

In work this person is probably a bit over friendly, but you feel bad if you don't accept their friend request. There snaps are mostly okay, but once in a while you'll receive something a bit... off.

4. The Alcoholic

No matter the time or the weather, this friend is constantly sending you snaps of them out on the piss. The first snap will usually be of a table of pints or cans. Then moving onto a snap of "Da lads" who are "mad bastards". Before receiving a video of their work-colleague/second-cousin/fellow drunkard downing a pint or falling asleep whilst eating a kebab.

5. The Pet Owner

"Isn't she just the cutest". This friend is kind of person who talks about their pet no matter what the occasion. They fucking love their pet, probably more than any human and feel obliged to share the latest adorable thing their cat/dog/goldfish has done through the medium of snapchat.

6. The Couch Potato

Have you ever been out during the day and wonder what's happening on Maury? Well this friend will inform you on all the haps on day time television. Snaps with captions "Love Steve Wilkos" or "He is such a dope." (usually referring to the babydaddy on Maury), will have you feeling included in the weird an wonderful life of day time television.

7. The Stylist

This friend will never directly address the fact that they are indeed looking for a compliment, but it's more than obvious that they have put A LOT of thought into their outfit. You're guaranteed a snap every morning from this person, and will tire of them quickly.

8. The Loner

No doubt you'll get about twenty snaps a day from this person. They're sad, bored and feel the need to snap you every single incident in their life; from the moment they "just had toast" in the morning until they "just had a shower" at night. You'll really want to delete this person, but can't, for the fear that you might be they're only friend on Snapchat.

9. The Selfie-Addict

When a duckface and "Going for my driving test" really means "Going for my driving test/tell me i'm pretty". This goes for the majority of snaps they'll send you. What they say "Going out tonight" really means "Tell me my hair looks good", "Haven't shaved in a week" means "I am a manly man because I can grow a beard". 

10. The Flashpacker

It was Bangkok last week and now their in Paris or New York, or wherever, you've lost track! This friend constantly makes you jealous every time you open a snap. And there's no shortage of bragging of how much fun their having, meanwhile your waiting in the lashing rain for a bus THAT WILL NEVER COME. Snaps usually contain landmarks, landscapes and fellow drunk backpackers.

11. The Full-Time Job Friend

This friend that doesn't really go out during the week, and if they do they have to catch the last bus home. Snaps from this peer will nearly always be of their keyboard, they'll share the office goss if they're sitting close enough to the water cooler and will always be up for an after work pint.

12. The Newb

We all found it a bit weird taking selfies on the bus when we first started using snapchat. As a newcomer, most snaps will be of their feet or expressionless selfies.

13. The Foodie

And you thought Instagram was bad. On a sunny day you'll receive 100+ snaps of your friends dining alfresco or having "A cheeky ice cream". But there is always at least one friend who constantly sends snaps of their meals, they're usually either eating really healthy food or really bad junk food.

14. The Gym Head

"Just benched 120kg, what of it"/"Got mistaken for BOD" good for you! But I really don't need to constantly see you drenched in sweat and a tank top. I'm glad you shared the fact that you enjoyed your protein shake but you need to stop... You're making the rest of us feel bad.

15. The Couple

If you're in a happy relationship, fantastic! But for the rest of us who spend their night off in a dark room, sharing ice cream with several cats, it can be a bit depressing to receive  a snap from you guys. I'm glad you're enjoying spooning, I love the way you send me an after sex selfie, it makes me want to buy more ice cream. But when you send me pictures of your significant other sleeping, that's a few levels too far.

16. The Person From Tinder

This can start off innocent, or more than likely it'll be nudes from the get go. Either way, a snap from this "love" interest will guarantee in them asking for a snap back. Do. Not. Do. This.

17. The Unemployed Friend

Snaps from this bored individual will usually be from their bed with the caption "U comin out?"/"What you doing?"/"What you doing later?". We wish the best for this mate as their snaps start to get repetitive after the first fortnight.

18. The Library Friend

As students, we've all been this friend at one stage or another. "Can't come out, studying" is a caption we never enjoy titling our images. Snaps usually contain the insides of whatever college library along with fellow library bound students who are either snoring or won't shut the fuck up, along with constant updates of the latest essay word count.

19. The Music Fan

It's more common to receive a video than a snap from this friend. Whenever you do get a video from them the music comes out as really loud and unclear static accompanied by a cheering crowd. It's blasts the shit out of your ears and pisses off everyone on the bus, leaving you embarrassed for giving everyone around you a minor heart-attack.

20. The Sneaky Friend

Ah yes, the aul dick in the mouth friend. When you least expect it you'll receive a snap from your friend beside you of a huge willy in your mouth. Overtime, the amount of detail that will go into the penis' in your mouth will get better and better. They will be proud of this... for some reason.

21. The Patient

You don't know how they manage it, but they always seem to be in hospital or bed bound with some bizarre injury after they've been run over by a street cleaner or attacked by a heard of seagulls.

22. The Stoner

The one is a bit self-explanatory. #420 all round.

23. The Pun Artist

You either love or hate this friend. Their puns can be the height of wit or just fucking awful. You'll get the odd chuckle from this person's snap at least.

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Catherine Munnelly is a colourfully-haired UCD graduate with a degree in reading books. A pint-sized bundle of wisdom, she has mastered the game of Flip-Cup, enjoys the company of bearded-men and despises rude people. When she's not writing or talking about her dog, you'll find her wandering around Europe telling folk that Leprechauns exist and Bono's her uncle.