
The Complete Guide To A Facebook Frape

If pulled off correctly, a frape can one of the funniest things to pop up on any newsfeed. The problem is that you usually only have a small window of opportunity in which to complete the frape. So here are some ideas that you can use the next time you find yourself in the position to ruin somebody's Facebook.

Add Everyone You Can Find With The Same Name As Them

It's amazing how many people out there will accept a friend request from someone they don't know.

Like Someone's Really Old Beach Picture

The more awkward the better. Preferably their ex's first ever profile picture, or someone equally embarrassing. And it doesn't have to be just one photo, or limited to just one person. The more the merrier.

Change Their Profile Picture

Simple, but effective. Helps if you have a photo of them in mind before you start so as not to waste time.

Check Them In Somewhere Embarrassing With Random People

Maybe at their ex's house? Or their friend's ex's house? Maybe out for dinner with both their ex and their friend's ex? Whatever combination you feel is the funniest.

Write A Really Heartfelt, Embarrassing Status That Could Be Considered Real

For example, something about how much their friends mean to them. Include a photo or video for maximum effect.

Search A Random Word And Like Every Page To Do With It

The sole purpose of this is to clog up the person's newsfeed with all of the updates from these random pages. We suggest anything to do with cheese or fish.

Change Their Birthday To The Next Day

And then just sit back and watch as they try to explain themselves as the 'Happy Birthday' posts flood in.

Change Their Name

The funnier the better. If you can do it a few times, because Facebook has a limit on the amount of times you can change it and it will prevent them from changing it back.

Like Loads Of Pages Aimed At The Opposite Sex

Pretty simple really. Straight, Gay, Lesbian. Whatever they are, just like the opposite kinds of pages.

Poke People You Know They Like/Hate

It's just as awkward either way, so whatever's your preference.

Post A Really Embarrassing Message On Their Other Half's Page.

This is only if the person being fraped is in a relationship, and it can work really well if they are. Again, including a photo or video can enhance the embarrassment.

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David has the most relevant qualifications of all of the writers at CollegeTimes, having just completed 3 years of an Electrical Engineering degree in UCD.