
The Pros And Cons Of Being The Only One Of Your Friends With A Job In College

College life is tough, there's no doubting that fact, it would be a lot easier if you didn't have to balance about a million things at once, worst of all is having a stupid part time job during college to pay for your over active drinking habit... Over active for some, not active enough for you!


You make money

The obvious one of course is you've got money and can afford to do stuff unlike those paupers you call friends


Your friends always borrow money

So you work hard for your minimum wage and then you get hit with the 'you couldn't lend me a tenner could you'  you can't say no without looking like a scrooge though, can you?


It Looks good on a cv

Going to college and getting a degree is all well and good but experience and references will stand by you in the future


You miss out on plans

You miss out on parties and events because you're either in work when they're on or in work the following day. Ugh the Facebook pictures probably makes it seem a lot more fun than it was


Having something to do rather than wasting your weekend/summer

Having a job gets you up out of bed and doing something instead of wasting your time. An extra 2 hours in bed is great but you don't get paid for it..


Being the sober one on the night out

Being in work the morning after night out means that if you have decided to come it'll definitely be a sober one for you. Meaning you spend the night overlooking your friends wistfully as they down tequila shots.

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