
The Times When A Girl "Can't Even"

"I can't even" is a new phrase amongst us women. It is becoming recurringly common and there are times when we "just can't even." To help explain this to the girls and guys out there here are The Times When A Girl "Can't Even".

1) Watching Beyoncé

As Beyoncé is the ultimate women when she dances and sings "we just can't even". There is no explaining it. It is a common thing us women know.

2) Witnessing A Fight

When we watch a guys or girls fight over something extremely petty "we just can't even". Maybe it is because we are above it? Maybe it is because we are just so damn cool? Who knows we just can't be dealing with it.

3) Seeing A Photo Of Ryan Gosling

Ryan Gosling. Crazy Stupid Love. "I just can't even."

4) When Your Ex Wants To Speak To You

When your ex is approaching you and wants to "catch up" or "have a quick chat" all women everywhere "just can't even."

5) When Leonardo Di Caprio Didn't Win The Oscar

All girls everywhere thought Leo deserved this year's Oscar. When he didn't win the female population let out an almighty "I can't even."

6) When Your Fake Tan Runs

Whether you are wearing instant, or your overnight tan messed up, when it runs all women, no matter where they are say "I just can't even."

7) When You're Hungover

When every girl is hungover they are "literally dying." Keep in mind anything a woman says with "literally" added to it is never going to happen. And, of course "they can't even."

8) When You See A Cute Animal

When any girl sees a cute animal on Facebook or in the real life, we "just can't even deal."

9) When You Are Getting Ready To Go Out And Someone Asks You To Do Something

This is self-explanatory. When a woman is getting ready to go out we have to be focused and we can't be dealing with anything else. If you ask us to do something we will shout "I JUST CANT EVENNNN!!!".

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Article written by
Lauren Rol: A UCD graduate who spends most of her time watching the Soaps. A devout fan of Chinese food and a French Bulldog obsessive.