
The Types Of 21st's You Attend In College

So, you are approaching the glorious age of 21. Now, you can drink in the US, run for parliament, supervise a learner driver and even adopt a child. The world is your oyster really. Regardless of when you turn 21, these two semesters will been engulfed in 21st's. Every weekend you will have something to do. There will be no time where you question where you are going for the evening. But some 21st's can be very different to others. Take away how much money is spent and focus on the true drama: who or who doesn't show up. Having a 21st is risky business so choose from the following list wisely. Here are the types of 21st's you may attend in your college years.

1) The "Flashy" 21st

There will be very few of these, but when there is one there are no limits to where it can take you. There are rumors months before that this birthday boy or girl is having a big shindig. No one can confirm this just yet, but you know it's certainly on the cards. Then it has been confirmed by one of their close friends. It is happening. You get invited...this is a moment of sheer happiness..but if anyone asks you don't really care and you are not that bothered.

And, you find out your friends got the invite too:

The  party is here and news floods the room that there's a free bar:

Run to the like the wind...

Don't forget there was that 3d Slideshow. You were drunk enough to shed a tear. And, you just loved it:

2) The "Conservative" 21st

You will always have one friend who wants a very low key affair. These conservative nights can be the most fun. There is a dinner (all paid for).Then quiet drinks with their parents and, finally, we go to the nightclub. Everyone is more drunk than expected. Just incase, you brought that extra naggin to hide down your coat sleeve. There was lots of food and lots of drink and you loved it.

You are all happy and in great form and you just know tonight you will be God of the dancefloor and no one will upstage you:

3) The 'Gaff' 21st

These nights can be very dangerous. The only idiots who have a house party 21st are those who really don't give a rats ass what their house will end up like. They know their house will get wrecked and they just don't care. You know tonight you will loose your mind and maybe your dignity. Everyone has brought extra drink than usual as you know it is going to be a messy, messy night.

It is going to be packed:

And you are so bloody excited:

4) The "Tumbleweed" 21st

This can happen to the best of us. It could be wrong timing. It could be you didn't invite enough people. Or invited all the wrong people. But either way this will leave guests feeling bored and unsatisfied. This is not your fault (most of the time).No one showing up is the chance you take when you have a 21st.

Unfortunately, the people that showed up will look bored and unimpressed:

Some will get aggressive:

And some will make plans to bail:

Don't knock yourself for this. It can happen to the best of us:

Gather the troops and head into town. Tonight WILL be salvaged:

5) The "Surprise" 21st

These types of 21st's usually start very early. Everyone is strictly told to come by 8 as the suprise victim is coming at 8.30. Everyone arrives at 8pm having just had a speedy and alcohol induced pre drinks. The party guy or gal doesn't arrive until 10pm, meaning you are very drunk and happy by the time they arrive. There is love in the air as they are shocked, leaving the party goers to get as giddy as school girls.

The drinks are flowing, as the birthday boy is passing around multiple bottles of liquor:

Therefore, leaving many members of the party sleazier than ever:

6) The "Country" 21st

The 21st's that take place outside dublin can get very rowdy. These usually take place in houses where the country folk live and it is usually their barn or marquee that has been transformed into some sort of rave. And since there is no bouncers to tell you to stop and you have brought three times as much drink with you, it will be mental.

These kinds of get togethers can be the best night you've ever had...

Or the worst...

7) The "I'll Be Broke Tomorrow" 21st

You are invited to a 21st dinner. This is a lovely thought but we're at that awkward age where it’s confusing. Are we paying for the dinner? Are the birthday people paying for the dinner? Or are we paying for our dinner and the birthday persons dinner? It’s a ball of confusion really. You arrive to the restaurant and see the prices on the menu...ah s*** a starter it is:

Many in the group find that the €50 you brought out for the night just isn't enough:

And then there are the others:

You predicted this happening...

You have your laser card on hand. You buy as much drinks as you can. Plonk yourself in a corner and down it until you're drunk:

Regardless of how your 21st turns not act like these fools:

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Article written by
Lauren Rol: A UCD graduate who spends most of her time watching the Soaps. A devout fan of Chinese food and a French Bulldog obsessive.