
The Types Of Hangovers Every Student Has Experienced

The hangover is a misfortune us students must grimace and bare. It is half or, the dreaded, full day of anxiety, panic and confusion. You can only think about the night before. Everything and everyone is reminding you of it. It is a dark place you have put yourself in. But we must rememeber there is some people out there who don't experience the hangover. They can go into college the next morning right as rain and look a million dollars. This is in no way fair. Whether your hangovers are painful with dark thoughts or make you feel like you can take over the world, we can all acknowledge that we have had one of these. Here, I demonstrate to you The Types Of Hangovers Every Student Has Experienced.

1) The Gloat

This is not an ordinary hangover. The hangover is no where to be seen. The phrases "What hangover?" and "I never get hangovers" often occur. Drinking doesn't write off the next day because you experience no headaches or bloating. You are the King or Queen of hangovers and don't let anyone tell you any different.

2) The Early Bird

You're tired and hungover but for some reason, on the one lie in you have all week, you get up at 8am. And, you can't get back to sleep either. It's awful, confusing and you aren't happy about this one.

3) The Dieter

You love food. You are one to always think of the next meal. But, this morning something has changed. You do not feel like eating or else everything you eat you vomit up. It's horrible and all you want to do is eat but you can't.

4) The Bottomless Pit

Personally, I find this one of the more enjoyable hangovers. But, when you have eaten all the crisps in the house, three tubs of ice cream and a large pizza from dominos in one sitting, you aren't going to feel the best. So, sit back let it settle and head for your food Round 2.

5) The Darth Vader

You can't speak. You can't move. Darkness is all that you want right now. Everyone must leave me alone until I am released from this alcohol induced hell.

6) The Non Mover

You can't move and, let's be honest, you don't want to. You will sit with a duvet cocooning your body until further notice.

7) The Vomiter

You can't desperately wish you could...but you can't. You genuinely feel that today you might die. Dark thoughts encircle your mind.

8) The Cryer

Anything will set you off on a day like today: a Disney Channel sitcom or last nights F.R.I.E.ND.S. You are feeling emotional and you will be blubbering all day.

9) The "It wasn't all Brody it was you"

You are in some mood and you are willing to be angry just because you feel like being angry. Unfortunately for them, your parents are the only ones in your house. You blame them for everything in life and whatever went on last night, even though they weren't there.

10) The Fear

You keep getting random flashbacks throughout the day, each more embarrassing than the next. You can't decide what was in your dream and what was in reality. You are afraid to phone your friends in case you did anything worse than you can remember. You reside in your home now and forever more.

11) The FOMO

It's tough when you have to choose between two venues on a night out. I know what a stupid, stupid complaint. Anyway, you pick one, you had an alright time and now you are awake the next day. You take to Facebook to see what the other night was like. It looks so much better and you wish you went there. This is s**t.

12) The Happy Out

You don't have a hangover today and you are having a great time. You may still be drunk but you are high on life and loving every moment today has to offer. You pity those with a hangover and talk and talk and talk all day long.

13) The Productive Planner

You may feel a bit dodgy but you're determined and you aren't going to let anybody down today. You will make it into class, you will finish that essay and you will start studying for next weeks exam.

14) The Black Out

You can't remember anything. And, you are not just saying that because your night was a bit hazy, you genuinely can't remember a thing. You can't decide whether you're relieved or worried. This is just a b***h of a situation.

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Article written by
Lauren Rol: A UCD graduate who spends most of her time watching the Soaps. A devout fan of Chinese food and a French Bulldog obsessive.