
Things Girls Should Give Up For Lent

Actually after writing this list I'm thinking that girls should be giving these things up not just for Lent, but for life. But let's take it slow, 40 days without dealing with freak outs and black outs would be nice wouldn't it.

Freaking out about /at an ex.

So you and him slept together a few times, it was casual.  He’s not going to knock down your door in the rain with a bouquet of roses telling you he messed up. Let it go, move on. The last thing you want is to give the “psycho ex girlfriend” stereotype anymore material to work with.

Hating people in relationships.

In fairness giving out about people in relationships is something that everyone does, but it comes across as jealous, unless of course your doing it on February 14th, then it's perfectly acceptable.

Facebook stalking people you don’t know.

Or find in some way attractive. It can get awkward when you let slip details about a person you've only ever seen on Facebook and everyone knows it... Let’s keep the stalking to actual friends, and try to tone it down.


From what I can tell, girls love to gossip. Now I wouldn't call myself an expert or anything but It can't just be me who dislikes the constant natter about what Kourtney and Kim were wearing at the rejects Oscar party? Does anybody really care?


It's like gossiping except with a whole lot more... Bitchiness (hence the name) . Now,  I can't claim to have mastered the whole “think before you speak” thing  but I think for 40 days it might be nice if all the gurlos out there stopped judging each other for a few weeks... Can't we all just get along.

Texting me at 4 in the morning.

Anyone else notice how girls do this thing, I don't know whether or not it's on purpose but as soon as you've come in from a night out, or the one night you aren't out, that's when you get the booty call? Since I'm a huge believer in FOMO I've decided to turn off my phone when I get home from now on.

Being The Most Drunk Person Ever

Ladies, we all know our limit when it comes to drinking, well we should at this stage anyway. Pre drink more responsibly (or not at all) and try to enjoy a night tipsy instead of sloppy. It's not a good look.

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