
Things Going Bump: What To Look Forward To In a Club on Hallowe'en

Its time to let your freak flag fly and head out to the clubs this Friday night, but be warned its not just the spooky costumes and paranormal happenings that you should prepare yourself for...on nights like these bouncers can be a bit too good at their job...or your costume just will not cooperate.

Bouncer not accepting your ID because of your makeup..or mask.

He'll ask how can he know that that is really you? And you'll curse his logic! If he's in a bad mood or just a dick you might get barred for the night. You'll have to remove some of the mystery from your costume, i.e. take off your mask and that can just ruin the whole illusion.

Having props confiscated.

Swords, bows and arrows, goblets, cups, brooms, anything that could be used as a weapon will be taken. And bouncers seem to think that drunken college students are the most imaginative weapon users, which may or may not be true. When you think about it, everything is a weapon, but don't try and use that as an excuse to keep your cardboard sword. Is it really worth being kicked out?

Sweating off your make up.

It's hot in the club and there is no ventilation. Chances are you'll head to the bathroom and nearly faint with fright at the state of you in the mirror - but hey, if that was what you were going for at the start of the night, more power to you! Plus those store-bought costumes are not made of one fibre that occurs naturally in nature so no way will you spend the night sweat and smell free.

People not understanding your costume.

No matter how obvious it is or how many times you try to give them hints, there will always be at least one person who won't get your costume. And your originality or lake thereof, will either piss you off or make you happy. It's a toss up.

Bar serving cheap Halloween drinks.

With little or no alcohol in them, you might as well be having sugar water. They're tricking you with novelty and bright colours. But hey its Halloween, you won't look as scary dressed as a witch drinking Corona than you will if its glowing green and has eyeball icecubes in it.

Losing part of your costume.

Like a hat, belt,  scarf or bullet belt. If its loose on your body it might not make it come with you. Try not to let it bother you, enough people saw your costume at the start of the night, right? Plus a lot of those costumes aren't the most comfortable and if your anything like me you hate being in uncomfortable clothes so you might lose some on the way home.

People wearing the same costumes.

However, unlike the embarrassment of wearing the same things in class you both run towards each other and are unofficial best friends for as long as it takes someone to take a picture of the pair of you and for you both to compare costumes and why you chose to wore it. It might be the best part of your night.

The dangers of costumes.

Some costumes are flammable, try to remember that when you head to the smoking area. A tiny bit of ash could send your entire outfit up in flames. Its happened before and it could happen again. Also, fake swords and arrows are still pointy, so don't poke people with them.

Couple costumes.

You might be a part of one or you might loathe the sight of them but you will see them. You will either enjoy their ingenuity, the fact that they're whipped or you'll be extremely jealous that you weren't part of a couple costume.

 Losing your friends.

Trying to remember what they dressed as and then scouring the crowd full of people dressed in similar or the same costumes while drunk can make for a dramatic stressful few minutes. Grab yourself a drink and your new twin costume bestie and have a great night anyway. You'll find yourselves eventually.

Being packed in.

Like sardines in a tin can, you will not have room to move. Between bulky costumes and more people being out than usual, there isn't much breathing space. Not that you'll notice too much after a few shots.

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Orlaith is a Creative Writing graduate from NUI Galway. Hailing from the low lying fields of Athenry, or at least what’s left of the low lying fields. She enjoys the internet as a means of living vicariously through others from the safe confines of her own bed. She will initiate a dance off after at least two drinks on any given night out.