
Travel Porn: The City Edition

We all want to be the people that have travelled, the wandering nomad. We want to be spontaneous and just pack a bag, buy a ticket and go. But unfortunately we can't, and we are so jealous of the people that can. So here's a littleĀ travel porn, the city edition:

London, England

Paris, France

Barcelona, Spain

Berlin, Germany

Brussles, Belgium

Stockholm, Sweden

Moscow, Russia

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Shanghai, China

Tokyo, Japan

Hanoi, Vietnam

Sydney, Australia

San Francisco, USA

Las Vegas, USA

New York, USA
Reykjavik, Iceland

Dublin, Ireland

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Laura is an open minded, positive thinker (who enjoys a good rant) with a love for all movies and Marvel. She is full of thoughts but is strictly only to be approached whenever a random conversation is desired. She is also deeply in love with Kristen Stewart.