
What Goes Around Comes Around: Understanding The Laws Of Attraction

We've all heard the popular catchphrase many times before, (in the insanely popular book "The Secret") but how many of us actually understand the law of attraction? There are seven main laws, and these 'laws' are believed to be the keys to a happy, meaningful and successful life. They send out the idea that "if you want something enough, you will get it." They are considered the crucial components in the manifestation of your dreams. So let's have a look at how we can make this 'law' work for us, shall we?

Why is it that some people find success a walk in the park, while others struggle with a life of mediocrity and unhappiness? How come a 'put out good vibes, and good vibes will return' attitude works for some and not others? To answer these questions we must first understand the 7 laws of attraction.

1) Manifestation

This law advances the manifestation of your thoughts into a reality. In other words, if you spend your time and energy thinking about it, it will become a real part of your life. With this, you should be careful what you wish for, as your perceptions of what you wanted may be completely different to how it really is. For example, if you wish for a boyfriend, you may get it. But he may be more Johnny Galecki than Johnny Depp.

2) Unwavering Desire

If you desire something, believe with all your heart. If you have unwavering faith, you will have it. Or if your desire is so real that you can almost ‘taste it,’ then the law of unwavering desire will deliver it you. Your reasons can’t be manipulative, fear based or desperate. Your motivations must be genuine, healthy and for the better of you and others. If you desire to pass your exams so that you can have a good job, and provide for your future family, that's all good. But if you desire a Michael Kors bag for two weeks and then get sick of the notion, you won't get it.

3) Delicate Harmony

The law of delicate harmony believes in maintaining a deep and abiding sense of gratitude and satisfaction, until you achieve results. Basically, when you start complaining about not getting that "iPhone 6S" you so greatly desire, you send out negative pulses and this leads to a lack of results. You should project your imagination and dreams to the future, but live in the present.

4) Magnetism

This is basically the idea of Karma. We've all heard the phrase "what goes around, comes around," and "as you sow, so shall you reap." Whatever vibes you put out, whether negative or positive, will attract the same from the universe. So say a quick "hello" as you pass people in the corridors. (Even if you only met them once on a night out in first year, they'll appreciate it.)

5) Synchronisation

This law is the understanding that you are part of the Earth, and not the Earth itself. You will be able to receive great gifts from the universe if you align yourself properly to it. Basically don't be a self-centered hun. Don't be Mariah Carey.

6) Universal Influence

Your every action has an impact on the people around you. If someone carries an air of positive energy, you'll be affected in a positive way. This law reminds us of the fact that life is an exchange of energy - we're all connected. Our resonance affects others. When you walk into a room, your presence is automatically felt. So, BOUNCE into that room, and show people the sparkling ball of goodness that you are!

7) Conscious Action

Ok, by now you've projected your hopes and dreams into the universe, but you can't just sit down and wait for them to happen. You have to take proper actions towards your goals. You want that new job? Go and get it. You want that spicebag? Call them up, and have it delivered. You want to pass your exams? Put your head down and do it! You do you girl, you do you.

The law of attraction only works if you completely believe in it. For some people, the law of attraction is a load of muck. They believe that conscious action is the only way to get things done, and it is not the seventh step. But this law has helped a lot of people to get into the mindset that they needed to get into, in order to achieve their goals. Who knows, it could help you achieve more than you ever dreamed.

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