
Who Wears The Trousers In Your Relationship?

In every relationship, one person will stand out as the dominant individual. Being the boss in your relationship can be a blessing and a curse, so just make sure you don't become too controlling. Or just tell your partner to shut the fuck up.

Boys, if you feel like your woman is ruling your relationship, man up and make yourself heard!

Who is master of the TV remote?

If Match Of The Day is a common Saturday night occurrence, we know who's in charge. Boys, if you make us watch MOTD for hours every weekend, expect some Kardashian action straight afterwards. You have been warned.

You do what you're told

If your woman says you're both going shopping today, you are going shopping today. You may think this sounds horrendous, but you might get some serious brownie points and sexy time in return.

If you don't want to do something, you won't

You do whatever you want, whenever you want. If this sounds like your life, you know who makes the decisions in your relationship. Compromise is key.

Who is chasing whom in the relationship?

You'll know who is more dominant by how you feel around them. If you worry about them breaking up with you whenever you fight, it's likely you're more unsure about where the relationship is at than they are.

Who gets to pick which side of the bed?

This is a pretty easy way to determine who rules the roost. If you get your pick of the side, you know you're winning. 

The other person always wins arguments

Sometimes it's just because they're an argumentative person. But if you always feel like they NEED to win the argument, tell them to pipe the fuck down and listen to your opinion a bit more.

Who calls whom first?

This call usually consists of them asking you to get something for them.

Who decides what you do on a date?

In some relationships, you can be as lost as each other when it comes to date ideas. One of you is likely to be more opinionated than the other - if that's you, make sure to get your opinion across!

Who talks most in your conversations?

Usually women, but also some men cannot stay quiet. If this is you, try toning it down a bit or bringing your partner into the convo. You could end up being a hilarious comedy duo... in your own house.

Which of you hides your feelings?

Unfortunately boys, you're not great at voicing your feelings, but sometimes girls can be scared too. When you're in a relationship, it's usually pretty easy to find out if one of you isn't sharing everything. So take a moment to see if they're ok and if they have something to vent. It'll bring you closer together and they'll appreciate you for it.

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Alex is a History of Art & Philosophy graduate from the illustrious Trinity College, which makes her a natural fit for College Times. She spends Monday to Friday writing smut and her weekends thinking deeply and History of Arting.