
The Most Annoying Habits Of Irish Drivers Has Been Revealed

The daily mistake made on the roads cause many of us to lose our shit and break out into the age old road rage feeling. Now, a study has found out what annoys Irish drivers the most and it's pretty accurate.

The research, which was completed by Easytrip, found some disparities between male and female drivers and what they find annoying from other road users. Overall, the most annoying habit of Irish drivers has been revealed as not using indicator,s as 62% of people surveyed found that habit the most irritating.

Here's what most Irish men and women found annoying about sharing Irish roads, especially when they're using the M50:

  • 67% of women got frustrated by road users driving too fast on the motorway
  • 55% of males hate when people drive too slowly in the fast lane
  • Overall, 59% find other drivers who go too slow in the fast lane as a major pain
  • 56% of motorists find tailgating a serious problem
  • 55% hate when people use a mobile phone while driving
  • 42% of drivers, male and female, hate drivers who change lanes too frequently
  • 40% dislike when drivers cannot merge correctly from the slip road onto the motorway

The lowest ranking annoyance was not driving up to toll plazas in the right manner, with just 15% or motorists giving this as a reason to get angry. Discussing the results, CEO of Easytrip Ireland Colin Delaney said:

Correct use of the motorway is vital for everyone’s safety.We’ve all heard of the saying that the ‘indicator must have come as an optional extra’ but it’s clearly the number one frustration for many motorists.It’s important that we alert other road users to our next move while driving and that means checking your mirrors and using your indicators when changing lanes.It can be stressful during busy peak times, particularly on the M50, but being respectful of our fellow motorists is of benefit to all.

Here's what some Reddit users had to say about the worst habits Irish people have when they get behind the wheel:

Do you agree with these Reddit user comments? Is it fair to blame older road users for bad driving?

Also Read: A New Study Has Shown Which Sibling Is The More Dangerous Driver

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