
Will This Colour Stop You Smoking?

Why? Well, a new day has dawned for tobacco packaging in the UK, and it’s coloured in Pantone 448 C. In a move to eradicate appealing coloured and branded brightly packaging cigarette packs will be replaced with packs covered in this colour of decomposing mushroom and misery. Names of the cigarette companies will be printed in a standard font, with health warnings obliged to cover 60% of the packs. Ireland and France will be following suit- a ban on menthol cigarettes, and those marketed towards women will also come into action.

The move will hopefully make smoking seem far less attractive and stop people from thinking that some brands are a“healthier option” than others because of the fresh and clean design of the box. Whether or not it works is still up in the air. But the disgustingly hued branding is predicted to discourage smokers from lighting up. I have a quiet confidence it will wor, looking at this offensive colour it makes me feel sad and miserable and actually quite disgusting. It remains to be seen if I still feel the same with a glass of wine in hand on friday night though?

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