
Charming But Unrealiable: Your Best And Worst Traits If You're A Libra

Happy Birthday Librians!

If you're a libra, it's quite possible you possess some of these traits

Positive Traits


Libra is the very personification of charm. Whether Libra needs to smooth over ruffled feathers or make someone new feel welcomed, this sign excels in any situation where social grace is needed.


Perhaps one of the very best Libra traits is the fact that this sign is devoted to finding solutions. Libra's main goal is to find a solution that happily satisfies all parties because members of this sign truly loathe the thought that anyone walked away from the table feeling unhappy.


Libra is often stunningly bright. Many don't see this trait coming because the sign's physical attractiveness is so apparent. However, look beneath the surface, and you'll be rewarded with in depth conversations and a quick, sharp wit.


The Libra-born natives are experts at getting things done, but they cannot be called cunning. They are too good to exploit the emotions of other people.


Their ruling planet is Venus, and they are extremely romantic people. Whatever they do in life is driven by the feelings of love.


They have a strong sense of justice and fair play. They may skilfully find their way out, but they will never resort to cunning methods to get what they want.


They are well-known for their diplomatic skills and have the ability to listen to differing points of view with a great deal of patience.


The Scales will never go to extremes, and will mostly choose the middle path in order to please everyone around them, whatever the issues may be.

Negative Traits


Make no mistake about it, whether Libra is the sun sign or on the ascendant, narcissism can be a part of this sign's makeup. Librans can be very appearance-oriented people, and that appearance begins with themselves. They want to look beautiful and/or handsome and will take as much time as needed to make sure that they look their absolute best. Lest you think that Libra is simply trying to fulfill a huge ego, note that being surrounded by beauty actually helps Libra feel calm and centered.


Librans all but invented the art of flirting, and they will flirt with just about anyone. While it's true that practically all the signs flirt, Libra has elevated flirting to quite the art form; you just never know if he or she is flirting with you or simply being nice.


The Libra-born can easily get carried away by outer beauty, to the extent that they may ignore the beautiful inner qualities of other people.


People born under the Zodiac Sign Libra are firm and strong, but they can also be detached and pretend to be pleasant sometimes as they don’t wish to displease anyone.


A Libra native can easily be influenced by the views of other people and are prone to keep changing their minds. If is difficult to understand whether they will keep their promises.


The Scales, though mostly energetic, can sometimes be lazy and may tend to take things easy. It is not physical laziness, but they wish to avoid any kind of stress or emotional challenges.


One of the most difficult things for a Libra is to take a decision. When faced with a choice, it is very tough for them to select what is best for them, which can become a big hurdle in their path.


Because they have a strong desire for material comforts, they may tend to waste a lot of money in unnecessary luxuries.

Famous Liberians

Kim Kardashian

Zac Efron

Catherine Zata Jones

Will Smith

Hugh Jackman

Kate Winslet

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Unnatural blonde with a natural gift for wrapping presents. Never had one lesson. Big fan of Sex and the City, Eddie Vedder and men who have a good strong whistle. Hope to be a responsible woman one day, but for now I'm enjoying being a child in a woman's body. Pet peeve: People who abbreve everything.