Life 101

Here's 15 Things You Should Never Do In A Job Interview After College

Unless you've been living off mammy and daddy's money for your entire young adult life or you're straight out of high sschool, chances are you've had a job interview before. However it was probably quite informal/with someone you knew and they weren't expecting too much. Well, lad, you're going to be in for quite a surprise if you've got a professional interview lined up straight after college and have no idea what to expect. Luckily we've got your back and have some job interview tips that will save you from embarrassment and get you that job.

Here's 15 things you should never do in a job interview after college:

1. Be late


This goes without saying but you really have no idea how many people consistently rock up late to interviews - too many. And exactly none of them get the job they want. If this is a super important interview, or even if it isn't, it just looks better to turn up when you say you will. Do a dummy run if it's in a new area, and triple check the transport schedule in advance.

2. Use excessive slang


You hear people say "be yourself, you'll be fine" WRONG. Do NOT be yourself. That's the opposite of what you should be. Do not throw in 'tbh' or 'literally' after everything you say. JUST NO. Make yourself sound mature and use big words. Always.

3. Be over-confident and constantly interrupt


Yeah, we get it: you went to college. But so did everyone else so check yourself before you wreck yourself. Don't come across as too cocky. And never interrupt just to say how wonderful you are either. No one cares.

4. Dress inappropriately


No hun, we don't need to see your midriff. And you can leave the fluffy jumper at home. Think: what would my mam consider a nice outfit? Think about making yourself 'under' rather than 'over' i.e. less is more. And iron everything including your underwear.

5. Lie about anything


Interviewers are like hawks, they know when you're lying... it's their job. So don't try and pretend you have experience or know people that you don't. Just be honest but not too honest, ya kno?

6. Ask about the money straight away


A serious faux pas is asking quickly about the money and then turning your nose up if it isn't enough. If it's less than you thought, ask what career progression opportunities there are.

7. Not doing your research


Yes it can be boring to research a company's history but 9 times out of 10 they will ask what you know about the company. And for the love of God if you don't know, don't say you don't know. Just make something up.

8. Poor body language


If you look bored or disinterested, it'll be pretty clear. Also, if you have a bitchy resting face like I do, do your very best to turn that downward-turning mouth upside down. Smile and wave boys, smile and wave.

9. Crappy resume


OH MY GOD. This is my number one tip. Please, please, do not give someone a shitty Times New Roman-fonted resume. If you made it to the interview stage, I'm seriously impressed. Take the time and add some colours and ~flair~ so you stand out.

10. Getting personal or too familiar


There's giving a rundown of your experience and then there's giving TMI. Try not to tell your life story to the person and don't admit anything embarrassing like that you're sweatin' or you just vomited outside.

11. Flirting


Trust me, it doesn't work. And highlighting your phone number is a mistake.

12. Calling or emailing an hour later for an answer


After your interview you'll probably want to know the outcome but do NOT come on too strong. Treat them like a fuckboi and approach with caution.

13. Bitching about your old boss


This is an interview, not a bitch sesh. If they ask why you left your last job you never say 'my old boss was a mega douche'. Instead, try some more constructive wording like 'I left because I felt I couldn't progress my career' or something like that.

14. Dressing too formally


I legit have seen people at interviews in three-piece suits to work at McDonald's. Try to find out the dress code of other staff before had and match that.

15. Admitting you applied for heaps of jobs


Do not under any circumstances say you applied for heaps of jobs and this was just an interview you got. Make it seem like you're very selective and have only given out your resume to a handful of peeps.


Also read: Here's How To Make A LinkedIn That Isn't Shite

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Emma is an editor and writer from Brisbane, Australia and has been living in Dublin since September 2016 after she decided warm weather and beaches were overrated. She now wears three pairs of trousers every day and loves it.