Life 101

How To Make Your Beard Feel Less Shite

Beards are everywhere. They've taken on a life of their own. A subculture in the world of cosmetics is now dedicated to the fluff that grows on our faces. Trying to grow a beard can be an irritating experience especially if its patchy or itchy but perseverance is key and maintaining your facial hair is just as important as the stuff on top of your head. Here are some tips to make your beard feel, well, less shite and how to grow your beard to its full potential.

1). Beard Oil

Beard oil is your new best friend. If that person your kissing/snogging/meeting/riding (choose your preference) complains about the wiriness of your beard hair or beard fluff then start applying this stuff immediately. Rub some of the oil under the facial hair and let it sink on to the skin. Not only will it make your beard feel less wiry but will keep the base hairs hydrated. A couple of solid ones from the high street would be a good first choice but if you don't have the dosh just use some of that coconut oil lying around the house. My personal favourite is Brisk and it's available in Boots.

2). Facial Wash/ Shampoo

The oil building up on the base of the skin can cause breakouts or itchiness. It's best to clean your beard at least once a week with some shampoo or facial wash. If you can follow up with some conditioner it'll leave your beard feeling extra smooth. You can use any shampoo but I'd recommend an organic approach or something packed with moisture. To avoid a big clean up, and if you're clumsy like myself, it's best to do this in the shower. Lush's Kalamazoo is pretty good but I'd recommend it for oilier skin types.

3). Electronic shaver/trimmer and a good comb

This one is for the guys who have the length (facial hair lads!). I would recommend 3 to 4 weeks of growing time before attempting to trim. You'll need a comb, bristle brush and trimmer. Firstly, if you look like you've been electrocuted invest in a bristle brush to work through the knots in your beard ( also a great way to spread the oil throughout the beard). Secondly, take a comb and work with the electric shaver to trim the beard into your preferred style. It's best to watch a couple of Youtube tutorials before attempting especially if you want to maintain the same length all over. I would recommend tidying any of the edges of the beard with a decent razor. If the thoughts of going it alone gives you great anxiety I'd visit a barber shop and let them work their magic.

4). Don't Pull At Yourself

I know that hair on your face can get super itchy but pulling hairs out of your facial skin is a disaster. The more hairs you pull the more of a bald patch you'll create which is a nightmare when you're taking that selfie or trying to look dapper. If your beard is itchy or flaky, this will pass, use some anti-dandruff shampoo. Try to break that habit of pulling the hairs on your face. If the itchiness and flakiness persists then it's probably time to shave it off and start again. Head and Shoulders or a medicated anti-dandruff shampoo would be best.

5). The Birds and the Bees

If you're trying to grow a beard and it's just not happening here are some factors to consider. 1) Exercise - as boring as it sounds it increases testosterone levels which in turn helps grow out your beard. 2) Sleep - get plenty of rest to allow your body to do its magic. 3) Genetics - scientists have stated that your genes could be the reason why you can't grow a beard.  Another thing to blame the parents for. 4) Stress - try not to stress as much. Hair loses strength and starts to fall out.

If you have any other tips let us know in the comments below!

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