Life 101

7 Things You Probably Forgot To Do When Planning Your Erasmus

So you've got accepted to go on Erasmus or study abroad, good on you. You've packed all your clothes, ironed all your socks and even prepped your body with sun cream. Slow down there tiger, because you've literally forgotten everything of importance before you move away.

If you decide on studying abroad, there are a few essential things you need to do prior to your trip. We've made this list of important errands you should not leave the country before doing.

1. Make sure your passport is in date

Now this one may seem obvious, but it's important to check if it'll be in date by the time you're flying home. If it goes out of date while your abroad this will just add major hassle. It means you won't be able to go travelling while you're away and will seriously impact your experience.

2. Photocopy all your travel documents

Photocopy everything. This includes your passport, health insurance and visas. They could be your second chance if you somehow lose everything. It's also a good idea to back these up on iCloud as well.

3. Let your bank know you're moving abroad

If you just get up and leave without informing your bank, they'll think some hooligan has run off with your card and will freeze your account. This is the last thing you need, so we suggest giving the bank plenty of notice so this won't happen.

4. Exchange the currency you'll need before you arrive

If you wait until you get to the airport, train station or another foreign bank, you will pay crazy fees. It's best to get it sorted before you leave to get the best deals.

5. Make sure you've Google Drive to back up all your memories

This is essential. Backing up all your photos and videos from your time abroad means you won't have to delete all the amazing memories you made.

6. Take out medical insurance

You never know what might happen when you're abroad so taking out insurance is a must – simples.

7. Make sure to pay off bills before you head

If for example, you pay your own car insurance, remember to cancel it if you're going on a long trip. Nothing could be worse than seeing a huge chunk of money coming out of your account when you need it the most. So pay off library fines and loans, as the last thing you want when you come back is to be in even more debt.

Also Read: Quiz: Can We Guess How Old You Are Through A Series Of Random Questions?

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