
Alec Baldwin Did Raunchy Scenes With A 16-YO But Reckons He Didn't Know Her Age

Alec Baldwin is best known for his many roles on television and on the big screen but it's one small indie movie that has him at the centre of a strange controversy today. According to Alec Baldwin's biography 'Nevertheless', the actor dug his own grave by saying he had no idea actress and co-star in 2006 independent release 'Mini's First Time' Nikki Reed was 16 when he filmed sex scenes with her. The issue (aside from the obvious) is that the film's producer is 100% sure Alec did know. Oh and Alec was 46 when he starred in the movie.

In his new memoir, Alec wrote "I was forty-seven, and it never occurred to me to ask how old Nikki Reed was. When I found out, just as we finished, that she was seventeen, I flipped out on the producers, who had told me something different".

Cue a Twitter fight for the ages.

According to the film's producer, Dana Brunetti  (who went on to produce The Social Network and House of Cards), Alec definitely knew Nikki was 16 at the time:

Shots fired. Then, the film's director Nick Guthe leapt to Dana's defence and backed up his claims:

And then shit got real... Alec fired back:

It then kept going back and forth:

The producer had the last word:

Need some ice for that burn, Alec?

In all seriousness, these guys could've had a brief phone call off Twitter and not included poor Nikki in their tweets. Here's hoping she shuts down both of them in the near future, or continues to post videos of butterflies:

Also read: Are You Up Your Own Arse? Only True Narcissists Can Pass This Quiz

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Emma is an editor and writer from Brisbane, Australia and has been living in Dublin since September 2016 after she decided warm weather and beaches were overrated. She now wears three pairs of trousers every day and loves it.