
College Could Start In 'October Or November' For First Years - Taoiseach

The coronavirus has created a logistical nightmare for the Irish education system. There's not only an issue about how to resolve this current academic year, but in when to start the next one. With that, how can universities and secondary schools successfully bring in new students when there are still exams to take places to be offered?

The government is hoping it will be in a position to hold the Leaving Cert in late August or early September, assuming the nation has a grip of the virus. But that creates other problems. For one, secondary schools cannot open while the Leaving Cert is on. Secondly, first years would be starting later than all the other students..

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar was discussing this conundrum today in the Dáil. He says he doesn't think college will begin until 'October or November' for first years.

With the school year already off for this year, guess what, fellow students: college won't be back until late autumn at the earliest.

Crazy times indeed.

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