
DCU Forced To Apologise Over Homophobic Email Sent To All Staff

DCU apologises over an offensive email sent to all staff yesterday. A man sent an offensive email, what originally appeared to be a letter of condolence, to Minister Katherine Zappone about her wife Ann's death. The man was a retired employee of St. Patrick's Campus whom has not been an employee of DCU since the incorporation. Here is the apology from DCU about the email being sent to all staff on Thursday:

The offensive email included calling Ann and Katherine's marriage a "friendship" and that being attracted to the same sex was a "disorder". The man, who appears to have known Katherine and Ann, continued by discussing one's lack of religious faith as being problematic and linked to your sexuality. Here is a tweet with the contents of the email:

According to the man's Twitter, he's a supporter of the Northern Ireland overtly religious, right-wing DUP. We contacted the LGBTA DCU society who would like to clarify that the email was only sent to staff members and not students.  The LGBTA DCU society would like to remind students of the following:

DCU LGBTA would like to reaffirm our position as a safe space for all LGBTQ+ students and our respective allies. We are deeply saddened by the insinuations made by a previous employee of St. Patrick's College in an email sent out to DCU Staff. Although we respect and welcome healthy debate, we feel the focus should be placed on fortifying the legacy of Dr. Anne Louise Gilligan; an influential advocate and premier campaigner for many LGBTQ+ rights. We extend our deepest sympathies to Dr. Gilligan's wife and family at this time.

Tributes continue for the legacy of both Ann and Katherine. If you'd like to read students giving thanks to LGBTQIA activist Dr. Ann Louise then follow the link below.

 Also Read: A Special Thank You To Ann Louise Gilligan From The LGBTQIA Students Of Ireland

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