
How Much Money DCU's Student Residences Made From Fines Is A Joke

As if living on campus isn't expensive enough, DCU's student residences have been making a shiteload from fining students - €13,000 in the last semester to be exact. The DCU student accommodation fines were issued by Campus Residences at the DCU Glasnevin, All Hallows and St Patrick's campuses from September to December 2016.

So what are students even getting in trouble for? According to College View, most of the fines were issued due to breaches of the terms and conditions that were given to students prior to moving in such as smoking, drying clothes inside, partying, and putting bottles, containers and other things in windows. Yep.

Oh and you can get a fine if you don't keep your apartment clean when inspections occur every six weeks. Housekeeping doesn't mean doing a bit of a Hoover, it means no posters, no dirty toilet, no shoving stuff under your bed, and no kitchen grease.

Fines start at €5 and go up to €100 for more serious offenses like having fun hosting a party or generally wrecking the place.

“While it would be the goal of Campus Residences to keep the issuing of fines to a minimum they are a necessary part of a pro-active approach in keeping the residences clean, safe and secure,” said Gaffery.

“Any fines that are imposed are used to enhance, protects and maintain the residences,” he said and “all of the profits of the company are reinvested in the operation, maintenance, refurbishment and development of the residences.”

Whatever way you look at it, there's a lot of money to be made from the universities if they keep fining you.

Also read: Going Overseas? You're Prob Gonna Be Ripped Off By Your Phone Company

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Emma is an editor and writer from Brisbane, Australia and has been living in Dublin since September 2016 after she decided warm weather and beaches were overrated. She now wears three pairs of trousers every day and loves it.