
'To Live In A Kip Like This?' The Eamon Dunphy TV3 Clip That's Going Viral

Eamon delivered an emotional moment on TV3, Tuesday night, when he gave an impassioned take on the state of our country.

The Tonight Show with Matt Cooper and Ivan Yates saw Dunphy, amongst other guests on the show, declare he was "not optimistic" about the future of Ireland. In his condemnation, he blasted the housing crisis, our national debt and rising hospital waiting lists.

Stressing the problematic issues had nothing to do with the Irish people, his emotive words displayed a clear respect for his fellow country men:

“It’s not the people of this country, the people of this country are amazing in their mood, how they deal with these things, at how little racism we have and all of the things that afflict the countries in bad times.

Dunphy went on to discuss national debt, saying "we must address the justice or injustices of the European establishment towards us as a society.”

When asked how we might do that, he acknowledged it was necessary to declare a state of emergency with his passionate words on the housing crisis particular striking a chord.

 “I think, by declaring a state of emergency, by admitting that a country that trains nurses can’t keep them, that a country that has, tonight, in bed and breakfast accommodation, children who have to get up around six o’clock tomorrow morning, get a bus for an hour, go to school, walk the streets, come back to the bed and breakfast.

“What on earth did we fight for our freedom for? To live in a kip like this?

For the full speech, you can watch Eamon Dunphy on The Tonight show below:

Also Read: The Underlying Class Issue In Irish Education

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