
Could Enya Be Our Next Taoiseach?

So this whistleblower malarky has left poor aul Enda Kenny in a pickle. If he doesn't resign there's a chance he could face the dreaded vote of no confidence. But sure look! As the mammy would say "didn't he have a good run all the same?!". Anyway, it's time we jazzed up Leinster House. Bring life back into public life. Add some spice to a bad spice bag. You know what I mean! Change is a good thing. Here is a list of potential candidates for our next Taoiseach - I for one am excited.


Could Enya be our next Taoiseach? Yasss Queen! Slay! Can you imagine? Enya as our next Taoiseach? Not only am I a fan, you should be too, but she'd have us all a little less stressed - good vibes, giant fans and whimsical hair movements. We'd all be upgraded to castle living - thanks E! - and given a Lord of the Rings public ranking of course. Bagsy being an elf.  Most importantly her voice can transcend all the hate and serve some life back into this green isle - Paris is Burning style.

Father Jack

Let's not lie booze and strong language gets us through the day. Father Jack would bring in the lowest prices for alcohol we have seen in decades. He'd turn every gaff into a session. Carrying a nagin around would be mandatory. We'd salute each other with "feck" and the middle finger. We'd break out into traditional Irish ballads and carry each other home cause we're all sound like that.

The Morbegs

Okay they are mildly creepy - eyes that never move - but imagine the national anthem! "Morbegs, morbegs land... come and see, come and play, make the most of every day" fluffy and nostalgia - need I say more? Let's all shimmy with these oversized beings and share the love.

Graham Norton

Probably my personal favourite for the job. Weekly cabinet meetings would consist of Graham getting the other ministers to give him their weekly updates from the red chair. A quick way to cut through the unnecessary details for our country right? Slightly dictator like I know but it's grand if it's Graham.

The Corrs

Four people all asking the same question: " What can I do to make you happy?". Leaving us breathless is the main thing the Corrs will be doing. If we just get Jim Corr to tone down on the alien abductions we'll be flying (not literally though, goddamnit Jim!).

Leave us a comment below who you think should be our next Taoiseach?

Main image via YouTube

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