
Here Are The Important Student Union Elections You Should Know About

The Student Union is an integral part of every single college in Ireland.

They're the people who give a voice to the students and pretty much get important student stuff done. Although many Student Unions advertise about upcoming elections, there may be some you haven't been paying much attention to – but you should.

Elections decide who will be in direct contact with the head honchos of your own college and are absolutely essential. Just like an election for the Taoiseach or the President, you should care about who's running your college.

That being said, here are the important SU elections and events you should know about.

1. NUIG election for Postgraduate Officer

According to the NUIG student newspaper Sin, there will be a by-election to fill part-time officer post of Students’ Union Postgraduate Officer, today, 26th January. Only Post-Grad students can vote in the election but all students are eligible to run for this position. The Postgraduate Officer is responsible for ' developing Students’ Union policy on postgraduate issues and lobbying for improved induction, training, services and facilities for postgraduate students.'

2. UCD SU position on student fees

At the moment the UCD SU has no position on fees, and according to the University Observer, 'A motion is set to be put to UCDSU council in the coming weeks for a referendum on the union’s fee stance.' The referendum will be to decide students' stance on continuing free fees or to implement an 'income-contingent loan system.'

3. UCC Student Council Motions

This isn't an election but is important nonetheless. The Student Council discussed multiple issues and goals for the coming year, you can find the full set of motions on their Facebook page.

That's all for now folks, we'll keep you updated on Student Union events in the future.

Also Read: Gas Conversations Overheard At Irish Colleges

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