
Catcalling Eejit Gets What He Deserves From Female Bike Rider He Touches

Catcalling is never pleasant, I don't care what anyone says - no one deserves to be made to feel uncomfortable when they're just walking down the street... or riding in this case. A young woman riding her bike in London was a victim of some pretty horrendous catcalling and touching this week, and her reaction was filmed on a motorbike rider's GoPro and sent to the Daily Mail.

Clearly, the woman just wanted to get where she needed to be but some grot decided to catcall her and asked if she was on her period after she rejected his advances. He then leaned out of his van and touched her, before driving off... and that's when shit got real. She wasn't going to let him treat her like that and what happened next was pretty crazy:

London Bike Rider Catcalled:

Serves him right or massive overreaction by the rider? What do you think? 

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Emma is an editor and writer from Brisbane, Australia and has been living in Dublin since September 2016 after she decided warm weather and beaches were overrated. She now wears three pairs of trousers every day and loves it.