
Hell To The Yes: The Luas Works Have Finally Stopped Outside Trinity College Campus

The Luas works have been the bane of our existence since they began nearly 4 years ago. Not only is it impossible to walk around town with the disruptions on every second footpath but the noise is hell on earth and Trinity College students know better than most. Thankfully, we have four beautiful words for anyone living in the Botany Bay apartments: The Luas works stopped!

Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU) and the college have successfully lobbied to stop night-time Luas works near Botany Bay until May 14. Finally, you can all sleep and study in peace. The noise has been a massive issue for residents and with students finding it impossible to get a good night sleep.

A Luas spokesperson said in the past, in typical "get over it" fashion, “The work has to be done – we are entering a critical part of the works. This has to be completed to allow the electrical work to start on the overhead wires and the track,” a.k.a stop complaining! Here is a video from one College Times reader about the levels of noise outside her apartment:

TCDSU President McNulty has been encouraging students fees to be waived 'cause of their experiences and helped relocate students to TCD’s guest rooms on campus. Residents could also request fold up beds to allow them to sleep in their kitchens.

McNulty told Trinity News: “I’m happy to say that our and College’s lobbying has succeeded in stopping works at night for Botany Bay residents. I hope the other measures we’ve put in place will help House 7, 8 and 9. I believe that after the 14th we can move people around as the campus move out date is the 13th so I hope some more rooms could be free. I am very happy that many more students can continue with exams, hopefully not impeded by the works.

No more ear plugs until May 14th lads!

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