
Man Sues Parents For Throwing Out Porn Collection Worth $29,000

Parents know best..or do they?

For most, it's a bottom locker drawer or an internet search history that you hope your parents never witness, no matter what age you are. One American man has made headlines today for making the grave error of judgement of leaving it to his parents to move his porn collection.

A 40 year old man from Indiana is suing his parents for throwing out his pornography collection with an estimated worth of $29,000. Following his divorce, the man moved back in with his parents. When he moved out 10 months later he had asked his parents to deliver the remainder of his things to his new home. When the boxes were delivered he noticed that 12 of toys, films and 'adult' literature were all missing.

Obviously, displeased with his prized possessions gone missing he emailed his parents and who then owned up to binning the collections.

According to reports, the father of the porn collector owned up to the deed stating the following:

We counted twelve moving boxes full of pornography plus two boxes of sex toys as you call them. We began that day the process of destroying them and it took quite a while to do so

Reports allege that the son responded:

"If you had a problem with my belongings, you should have stated that at the time and I would have gone elsewhere. Instead you choose to keep quiet and behave vindictively."

His father then justified his actions saying that he got rid of the collection for his son's own wellbeing.

Believe it or not, one reason for why I destroyed your porn was for your own mental and emotional health," he said. "I would have done the same if I had found a kilo of crack cocaine. Someday, I hope you will understand.

It will be interesting to see how this one plays out in court, the man is seeking $87,000 in financial damages. It's also a valuable life lesson that you are never too old for hiding your porn stash from parents.

H/T: The Guardian 

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