
Met Éireann Say Storm Brian Is Undergoing 'Explosive Cyclogensis' Right Now

Met Éireann have stated this morning that the system which may turn into Storm Brianwill undergo 'explosive cyclogenesis' over the next 24 hours and none of us know what the hell that means.

Is it bad? Is it good? What is explosive cyclogenesis? It sounds bad but maybe it's means it's going to blow up in the Atlantic and disintegrate, like that comet that was going to hit Springfield. Alas, it would indeed appear to be bad news.

Explosive cyclogenesis is a term given when an area of low pressure begins to rapidly deepen, falling 24 millibars in 24 hours. Whether this will cause the system to become a storm remains to be seen but Met Éirean have issued a status yellow warning for the weekend, with wind and rain expected.

They say:

An Atlantic Depression is expected to track eastwards over parts of Ireland on Saturday. South to southeasterly winds on Friday night will veer northwesterly on Saturday and are expected to reach yellow warning criteria, at this stage. There is potential for mean wind speeds of 50 to 60km/h and gusts of 90 to 110km/h, especially in coastal counties.

Here's hoping it doesn't amount to anything worse and the impact of this 'explosive cyclogenesis' amounts to nothing more than than ammunition of a few funny tweets:

Also Read: Storm Brian Is On The Way, So Why On Earth Was Ophelia Called 'Ophelia'?

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