
Apparently The New iPhone Has Such Notions It Won't Have Any Buttons At All?

This is just a farce, what will they actually do next?

According to Fast Company the new iPhone 8 will be completely touch screen with no buttons whatsoever and could cost up to €930. They plan on axing all physical buttons like the volume, power and mute switch, and replace them with 'touch-sensitive inlays in the metal.'

The reason for this is to make the phone more water-proof and also give it a minimalist design. Now, I'm all for waterproof phones, that's a great idea but making getting rid of all it's buttons to make it look minimalist is a load of shite. If that wasn't enough notions for you, they're also looking into '3D-sensing technology' for better 'facial-recognition' and for 'augmented reality.'

Of course they plan on making the screen bigger, from 5.5 to 5.8-inches, and want to put the Touch ID fingerprint on the back of the phone rather than on the front?

In conclusion, it's going to cost you loads to have unnecessary fancy features added to your phone when all you need is a decent camera and memory. What will they think of next, laser beams shooting out of the back of it and a lollipop dispenser?

Come on, lads.

Also Read: Going Overseas? You're Prob Gonna Be Ripped Off By Your Phone Company

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