
The Orange Order Are Looking To Re-Open A Lodge In Trinity

In a way, the only surprising thing about this news story is that Trinity does not play host to an Orange Lodge already - the quintessential epitome of Protestantism in the Republic's old bastion of Protestantism.

There did used to be an Orange Lodge in Trinity, however it was closed in 1966 due to declining membership. There are, according to Trinity News, some 25 current and former students who've expressed an interest in joining a Lodge were one set up.

The Orange Order have approved the plan to try reopen the Lodge that once existed in Trinity, however, there has apparently been no contact made with the college regarding the reopening.

Were the Lodge to reopen it would not to be opened essentially as a society within the college and would thus need to amass 200 signatures of students and staff and produce a manifesto and constitution before gaining approval from the Central Societies Committee.

There currently exists a Lodge named Trinity College Loyal Orange Lodge 1593, though it is not in any way affiliated with the college.

It's understood that, seeing as The Orange Order have given their approval, that the processes necessary to re-open will be begun by the current and former students invested in doing so.

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