
Noooo: This Famous Dublin Cinema Is Making Some Drastic Changes

Celebrities have been raging upon hearing the news of the Savoy cinema reducing seats to potentially make two smaller cinemas.

The Savoy is known as the home of Irish premieres and is the oldest working cinema in Dublin. Loads of Irish celebs have been up in arms over the potential reduction. RTÉ DJ Rick O'Shea said, 'I remember going to see my first James Bond movie there in 1985 and to see these plans is a sad day for Irish cinema.'

'But I understand exactly where they are coming from. You’ve got Cineworld around the corner with a car park underneath so it’s much easier for them to attract people.'

Other stars such as Love/Hate's Lynn Rafferty has also expressed her sadness, 'The biggest reason we went to the Savoy was for that screen so this just takes away from the cinema.'

A spokesperson for the Savoy has said, 'The plan is now with the board of directors and there is no date or timeline on the development.'

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