
Watch: 'Ghost' Caught Acting The Maggot In Irish School

It's official, we are in the run up to Halloween and spooky happenings are afoot throughout the country. None more spookier however, than this conclusive footage of a ghost in Deerpark CBS in Cork city.

As you can see from the footage several sinister things take place including a door opening (seemingly of its own free will) a locker rocking back and forward (seemingly of its own free will) and a locker door bursts open (again, seemingly of its own free will).

As usual the Youtube comments are a paragon of investigative virtue.

I did a little digging on the Deerpark CBS Youtube channel and managed to unearth another spine tingling video. This video seems to apparently freeze time as the camera moves throughout the school showing the students petrified faces as they stand motionless like statues in the school. Eerie.

Now, this is just a humble journalist's opinion on the matter but I think it is a dead cert that Deerpark CBS was built on an ancient Indian burial ground. That is the only rational explanation.

The genuine CCTV footage was uploaded on October 2nd and is currently at 38,193 views on Youtube.

See Also:There's A BYOB Fancy Dress Halloween Party Happening In A Secret Location And We Are Dying For It

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