
The Sexiest Job In Online Dating Has Been Revealed And It Will Genuinely Terrify You

Well, I think I'll just hide under the covers and never go on a date ever again. Some terrifying statistics have come to light over the sexiest job titles to have for men and women when it comes to online dating.

The list was conducted with a survey of over 5000 single Pringles from the UK on What', and found out what was the most attractive occupation to have for the opposite sex. For women, the sexiest career for a man to have is a financial manager, while with men, the sexiest career for women to have is to be a student.

Yes, that's right, creepy men on dating sites find young women who haven't even left college as having the "sexiest" career. This quite frankly harrowing discovery just proves that maybe it's okay to meet people the old fashioned way. But if you're dying to know what the other top "sexy" careers are we've listed them down below;

In Men:

1. Finance Manager

2. Software Engineer

3. Doctor

4. Real Estate Developer

5. Lawyer

In Women:

1. Student

2. Nurse

3. Model

4. Publicist

5. Beauty Therapist

So there you have it folks, men find young female students (gag), nurses (clearly some sort of fantasy), and of course models (snore) as the top three sexiest professions. While women prefer men who are brainy and of course loaded, with software engineers and doctors coming in the top 3.

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