
Irish Women Are Being Turned Away From A Well-Known UK Abortion Clinic

As if getting an abortion isn't hard or awful enough when you have to go to another country, now a group of UK abortion clinics are turning away Irish women in their time of need. This bloody outrage is due to "overwhelming demand", says Marie Stopes International, one of the largest providers of abortions in Britain.

A spokeswoman for Marie Stopes International told The Times that the clinics would prioritise clients referred by the NHS, and stressed that Irish women who had already booked appointments would be treated.

But what about women who hadn't booked in yet? Irish women will need to be referred to the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS), but that service is also stretched at the moment, reports NewsTalk.

“We’re looking at our capacity across the country. Irish women may have to go to slightly different locations to access our services,” she said.

"January and February are always the busiest times of year and we are currently managing high demand by referring some women to other providers to ensure they can be seen as soon as possible.

"We are managing demand by focusing on NHS clients but our helpline is very clear to everyone that calls that if they have difficulty finding another provider they should call us back".

Awful stuff. And there's has been some more shite news on the Eighth Amendment front, after today's Citizen's Assembly ending with the Life Institute (on the pro-life side) saying:

"We can see that the Assembly has now become a farce, since no reasonable person could think that abortionists are impartial witnesses in a debate on the 8th amendment," said spokeswoman Niamh Uí Bhriain.

Hope isn't lost yet though, with Strike4Repeal calling for a national strike on March 8th unless a referendum on the Eight Amendment is called before then.

Spokesperson Avril Corroon said: "We will be highlighting just how urgent the need for a referendum is".

Too right.

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Emma is an editor and writer from Brisbane, Australia and has been living in Dublin since September 2016 after she decided warm weather and beaches were overrated. She now wears three pairs of trousers every day and loves it.