
21 Things You Did If You Went To A Catholic Girls School

For us young ladies who attended a Catholic girls' school, we learnt how to be mannerly, organised and received a "proper" education in the eyes of our parents, under a strict regime of prayer and military observation. What we also did was disobey all the rules, rebel against the system and get pissed in the park every weekend.

Here are the 21 things you did if you went to a Catholic girls' school:

21) You Wore Make-Up, Despite The Wrath Of Your Teachers.

You just discovered what eyeliner was and it looked so good on you, even if you did look like a panda. But whatever, you can do what you want.

20) Winter Was The Devil.

Wearing skirts with dolly shoes did not make the trek to school any warmer or drier. If you were lucky to sit beside the radiator in first class, this may not have been such a burden. But how likely was that to happen when everyone would rush to get to it?

19) P.E. Day Was The Only Time You Got To Wear Trousers.

The official "comfy" day of the week. You got to keep your legs warm and cosy inside your Penneys tracksuit bottoms while the other classes had to stay on edge, getting their skirts stuck in between the door and fearing anything which would show their knickers off to the world.

18) You Became Pretty Unfazed By Eternal Damnation.

Yeah, yeah, hell has fire and hopeless souls which will eat you alive and torture you. Yeah, I get it.

17) You Rolled Up Your Skirt.

We all did this. Let's face it. Skirts covering your ankles is just plain uncool. This way we got to show a bit of leg and attract some attention from the boys in the school up the road.

16) You Risked Your Life By Texting In Class.

After six years in an institution which banned the use of mobile phones, you got pretty good at texting during class. No doubt you'd only text a boy though - no point getting caught for texting your mates!

15) You Smoked In The Toilets.

Or behind the gym. Whichever one was less dodgy. These were generally the older, cooler kids, who "didn't care about getting caught." The fear of God would be put into you if you got caught, which you always did.

14) Mandatory Choir Practice.

This was a pain in the ass if you couldn't sing, but it was always good bants if your mates had the same vocal range. There was always someone who never sung and somehow managed to get away with it.

13) You Shit Yourself When You Had To Recite The Angelus.

Shhhhhit! My turn already? Nothing could undermine your confidence more than messing up the Angelus, especially when you've been listening to it everyday of your life.

12) You Had At Least 3 People In Your Class That You Knew Since Play School.

Sure you've known Shauna, Ashley and Jennifer since you were wee ones but you probably didn't speak to them that much, except when you all went drinking in the field. You talk about how you fought over the cartoons on the milk cartons and your first class production of the "Teddy Bear's Picnic."

11) You Mumbled Through Morning Prayer.

"Mmm Blah Mmm Blah ... Amen." But it was too obvious when EVERYONE mumbled. Then the teacher would ask you to do it all over again!

10) You Had One Born Again Christian Teacher.

This teacher was genuinely lovely, but if you took the Lord's name in vain then good luck to ya! You always wondered about the life they had before they went full-blown Catholic! All they would tell you is that they had a really fun, but dark time. Suspicious...

9) Sex Ed & Religion Were Blended Together.

"When a married man and woman have sex, angels gather and sing around their bed." Sex educators were always brought in from the outside to inform us of what birth control was and how we should always use condoms. Swiftly after this informative lesson, the ideas of waiting until marriage to get jiggy was reintroduced into your mind.

8) You Argued Over The More Attractive Male Teacher.

It could be that one is sporty and rather well-built and the other is quiet but dashing in good looks. This would be argued among fellow peers, with pros and cons given for each one, along with accusations of flirting and wanting his babies. Personally, I always believed it was down to taste.

7) You Counted The Tiles On The Ceiling During Mass.

Attending a Catholic school means you spend a lot of time in mass. Naturally the mind starts to wander and your brain needs to be occupied to prevent you from falling asleep and getting in trouble. 1,2,3...

6) You Spent 2 Hours Physically Preparing For Any Event With The Boys' School.

Holy Mother of God. Whether it's a Céilí or the boys are coming down to sell Christmas cards or raffle tickets, you know you gotta look good.  For all you know the lad you've been crushing on could be one of the lucky ones to be sent down. Better get up at 6am to tan and curl my hair...

5) You Learned How To Deal With Drama.

In an enclosed space, fuming with oestrogen, you can imagine the amount of drama that occurs in a girls' school. Now, add being under a strict regiment. This made it harder to let go of your anger - it meant that you couldn't express your anger verbally so you became really good at being sneaky.

4) You Watched "The Passion Of The Christ" As Part Of Your Religion Class.

Remember when having the television rolled into the classroom didn't mean that you were about to endure Jesus being whipped to pieces before being nailed to a wooden cross? Maybe in primary school. But no, it's time for some serious beatings. Why couldn't we watch 'The Prince of Egypt' again?

3) You Accidentally Fell Asleep During Reflection.

During moments of reflection, it was definitely understood how you could drift off into a little snooze. It was just so silent, and everyone had their eyes closed anyway...

2) Everyone Was Orange On Friday.

Woop! The weekend was approaching and everyone spent the night tanning themselves for Amy's birthday the following day. Tanning was just the first step before trying to convince your elder sibling to buy you a naggin from the offo or trying to find an I.D. to borrow.

1) Trends Flew Through Hallways At Lightning Speed.

If one person started wearing charm bracelets, two weeks later EVERYONE was wearing charm bracelets! This trend could start anywhere, but more than likely, it was one of the popular girls.

Read Also: Catholic Schools Reject Plans To Remove Baptism Requirement

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Catherine Munnelly is a colourfully-haired UCD graduate with a degree in reading books. A pint-sized bundle of wisdom, she has mastered the game of Flip-Cup, enjoys the company of bearded-men and despises rude people. When she's not writing or talking about her dog, you'll find her wandering around Europe telling folk that Leprechauns exist and Bono's her uncle.