
14 Date Night Movies To Watch This October

October is the perfect time for movie nights and cuddling up on the couch. The weather is getting cold. The leaves are turning brown. The hot chocolate has never tasted so good and if this alone hasn't convinced you to whip out the blankets and spark up the fire, then nothing will. Here are 14 date night movies to watch this October:

Hocus Pocus (1993)

Well....October is Halloween season and nothing says Halloween quite like the quintessential Halloween film itself, Hocus Pocus. A classic, it brings me right back to the childhood days of dressing up in a binbag and eating so many sweets I vomited. Sorry....Get your ring of salt ready folks.

Paranormal Activity 6: The Ghost Dimension (2015) 

Paranormal Activity is back and this time, with a vengeance.When a family suspects that an evil force has plans for their daughter, they must use everything in their power (including cameras that can see special forces) to protect her. After all, nothing spells October Date night quite like a cinema trip and a bucket load of frights. Catch in it cinemas from the 21st of October 2015, if you dare....

The Omen (1976)

The film that will forever haunt my thoughts and associations with the name Damien. Watch the classic (forget the less dark remake if you really want a fright), and get ready to have the bejesus scared out of you by the original antichrist child himself. *Shivers*

The Exorcist (1973)

It's imperative that you jump a bit around the Halloween period and if possessions, exorcisms, lots of screaming and a woman quite literally climbing the walls doesn't frighten you, then I'm sorry, but you're made of tougher stuff than I am. Curl up close, you're in for a 'mare and a half.

The Ring (2002)

Proving to us that there's nothing quite as creepy as little girls, the Ring takes something as mundane as a video tape (retro AF) and turned it into a fight fest complete with creepy kids climbing out of wells and...well, just in case you haven't seen it, I won't ruin the (scary) surprises that await you. Seven days....

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

Edging into the gruesome, ever so slightly gory side of things, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a classic slasher film, filled with chainsaw noises and one huge, big blood fest, just perfect for all of your Halloweeny needs. Yes, I'm making Halloweeny happen, deal with it!

Rosemary's Baby (1968)

Who knew pregnancy could be quite so terrifying? Take one loved up New Yorker couple, add a seemingly perfect set and watch as Polanski slowly but surely turns things upside down in the most sinister way possible. Hold on for dear life, I reckon.

The Blair Witch Project (1999)

What do you mean you've never indulged in some forest fear, amateur film-making paranoia? Sort that out right now and sink your teeth into some classic 90's cult cinema. BOO!

A Nightmare On Elm Street  (1984)

Wes Craven certainly knew what he was onto here. Freddy Krueger will always remain high up on the list in terms of terrifying film characters that still, to this day, pop up to haunt us in our little nightmares. You should probably just leave the lights on for this one...

The Silence Of The Lambs (1991)

You know those nights when you feel as though there's somebody else in the room? Hannibal Lecter is probably that person, just FYI. The Silence of the Lambs forever ensured that we could never quite look at Anthony Hopkins in the same way ever again. Terrifying? Always.

The Addams Family (1991)

Just for a little light relief (well, as light as you're going to get in this article anyway). Filled with gothic fashion, moody sets and some iconic (not to mention costume inspiring) characters in the form of Morticia and Wednesday Addams, it's even better the second, third or fourth time around, believe me.

Let The Right One In (2009)

Please ignore the futile attempts that went into remaking this film and instead, catch the original and frankly much better, Swedish version. Focusing on a 12-year-old boy and his (downright freaky) new neighbour friend, you'll be cowering on the couch in no time at all, I guarantee it.

Psycho (1960)

Hitchcock was many things, among them, a prime scare master. Psycho gave us one of the most iconic horror scenes of all time and forever ensured that we'll never take a noise for granted once in the shower, ever again. Thanks, Alfred!

The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

Tim Burton does gothic horror and freaky-fests better than most and his classic 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' is the perfect Halloween film to get you in the mood for spooks. How many Jack Skellington's are you bound to see this Halloween? A lot, probably.

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