
7 Incredible Activities To Do In Vancouver This Summer

As a result of the J1 becoming uber-expensive, many people are opting to head to Canada for their summer's off. By far the most popular destination by students is Vancouver, British Columbia.

Why wouldn't they though? It's got tonnes of jobs, perfect weather and the city is right beside the beach. If you're currently over there or are planning on very soon, there are a few activities you can't leave without doing.

We've rounded up some of our favourites that you can tick off throughout your time there.

1. Bungee jump at Whistler

Whistler is a must-do for anyone spending the summer in Vancouver. For first-time jumpers, it'll cost $130 but it's worth every penny. You'll also get a free t-shirt to boot – winning.

2. Head to an outdoor film in Stanley Park

Every Tuesday of the summer, the park does free outdoor cinema nights. This is one of the coolest dates you could ask for and won't burn a whole in your pocket to boot.

3. Go for a dip at Wreck Beach

Wreck Beach is Canada's only nudist beach, so this place isn't for the faint-hearted. Get your tan on, play some volleyball and even gawk at some of the beach's inhabitants.

4. Take a trip to Vancouver Aquarium

This is a great activity for a rainy day. It'll cost you around $36 for an adult ticket, but this place has every type of fish imaginable and is a really fun day out.

5. Have a delicious hot drink at Standing Egg Coffee

This hidden gem is tucked away in a strip mall on North Road and serves up a great brew. They even do cat art in their lattes, if that isn't enough for you to go, I don't know what is.

6. Take a walk around Everett Crowley Park

Located at 8200 Kerr St, this little slice of nature is a must-see for crazy dog ladies. Fun fact: it used to be a dump and was restored in the 80s, but today it's as beautiful as ever.

7. Watch a football game at BC Place

Absorb some Canadien culture by attending a football game at Vancouver's famous stadium. For around $30 you can have a fun day out and get your heckle on.

Also Read: Scientists Have Created A Chemical That Can Make Any Skin Tan Without The Sun

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