
Did Miley Cyrus Get Married To Liam Hemsworth? All Signs Point To Yes...

Did Miley Cyrus Get Married To Liam Hemsworth? All Signs Point To Yes...

If the world rejoiced when Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth reunited after breaking off their engagement, people are going to explode if this news is true. Miley's dad, Billy Ray Cyrus posted a very ~wedding-esque- photo of his baby girl on Instagram overnight. And uh yeah, it definitely looks like Miley Cyrus married her fiancé in a white lacy dress!

This doesn't seem to be just another of Billy Ray Cyrus' weird tweets - it actually seems like the real deal, mainly because HE'S RETWEETING PEOPLE ASKING IF IT'S REAL:

Oh Billy, if it's not true you're gonna achy break Miley's heart (see what I did there?)


Either way, if Miley is married, that's amazing, and if she's not well, maybe tell your dad not to ruin our dreams k.

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Emma Greenbury
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Emma is an editor and writer from Brisbane, Australia and has been living in Dublin since September 2016 after she decided warm weather and beaches were overrated. She now wears three pairs of trousers every day and loves it.

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