Life 101

8 Of The Absolute Best Brain Foods To Eat Before Exams

8 Of The Absolute Best Brain Foods To Eat Before Exams

It's a fact that eating healthy foods before exams can really affect your performance in a positive way. However, there are certain "brain foods" that will help you retain information and keep calm under pressure.

If you've got big exams coming up, keeping in mind some of these foods will only serve to help you. We've included what and why each of these are so important, so you can eat for whatever you need.

1. Spinach and kale

Dark leafy greens such as spinach and kale are full of vitamin K, which helps build pathways in the brain and help with alertness.

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2. Salmon


Oily fish like salmon are full of the buzzword health addicts like to use – Omega-3. This contributes to brain function and as a result of its high protein content will keep you full for longer.

3. Eggs

You can poach them, fry them, scramble them – is there anything eggs can't do? They're full of protein and are perfect to eat before exams.

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4. Almond butter

Nut butter of any kind is great before exams as they're full of protein and healthy fats which again, will keep you fuller for longer. Add some to a bowl of porridge with some fresh fruit for a perfectly balanced meal.

5. Blueberries

Another anti-oxidant rich food, blueberries are bursting with naturally occurring sugars which will you an energy boost before exams.

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6. Apples

Apples have been proven to reduce anxiety, improve cognitive performance as well as improve brain health.

7. Turmeric

Turmeric is full of antioxidants and can help get rid of tiredness.

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8. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate has loads of health benefits you wouldn't even think of. It can boost memory and focus, improve problem-solving skills, reduce stress and even improve the blood-flow to the brain.

Of course, all of these foods can only help you perform if you've actually done the study. Remember: if you fail to prepare then prepare to fail.

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Ciara Finnegan

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