
Gardaí Searching For Man Who Sexually Assaulted Female Student

Gardaí Searching For Man Who Sexually Assaulted Female Student

Gardaí have launched a manhunt after a female student was sexually assaulted in Limerick city on April 17.

The victim was reportedly knocked to the ground and assaulted by the man near Moyola Terrace, Ennis Road. The fact that the man was apparently wearing latex gloves has led Gardaí to believe that the attack on the victim was pre-planned.

The attack occurred at around 3am on April 17, according to Gardaí who are appealing for any information from anyone who was in the area at the time. Anyone with any further knowledge of this incident is asked to contact Gardaí at Henry Street Garda station on 061-212400.


A description of the attacker has been provided to Gardaí by the victim, which has been circulated with other Garda stations as well as Europol and Interpol.


Rory McNab

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