
A New Law Is About To Make It Illegal For Students To Pay For This Sneaky Service

A New Law Is About To Make It Illegal For Students To Pay For This Sneaky Service

You may not know it, but there are probably students at your college paying someone to write essays for them. There are over a dozen companies in Ireland who sell written-to-order essays and theses to college students, though not for much longer. A new law is being written up by the Minister for Education that will make it illegal to advertise "cheating services".

According to The Irish Times, these cheating sites provide essays that can somehow go undetected by plagiarism systems. This mad service doesn't only apply to essays: it can go as far as someone pretending to be a student and sitting their exam for them. Minister for Education Richard Bruton made an announcement explaining why cracking down on cheaters is so important.

"I am proposing new powers to prosecute someone who provides or advertises essay mills or other services which would facilitate cheating. This is vital to ensuring an equal playing field for all our students".

The proposed legislation is part of a larger higher-level education overhaul that also includes giving institutes of technology the power to award degrees in the same way as universities and offer a greater variety of courses.

The legislation is being sent to the Oireachtas education committee and will then be discussed in public. Minister Burton wants to get the ball rolling ASAP, as he believes it will completely change the way future college students will turn out as learners.


Do you think this is a positive change or do you think it'll put even more pressure on students? Let us know in the comments below.

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Ciara Finnegan

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