
8 Motivational Ted Talks Everyone In Their 20s Needs To Watch

Graduating college can seem like a scary time. It's filled with a sense of uncertainty for many, as a lot of people graduate still unsure of what direction they want to go in.

Sometimes all it takes is a little motivation and guidance from another person who was in the same position –someone who knows exactly what you're feeling. Maybe this person is a sibling, relative or even a mentor but their advice can put you at ease while also guiding you in the right direction.

With that in mind, we've compiled the best Ted Talks for graduates who are lost, anxious or even needing confirmation, that everything will work out in the end.

1. Matt Cutts – 'Try something new for 30 days'

Cutts is head of Google's Webspam Team and his message is simple, change your behaviour in order to change your life.

2. Larry Smith – 'Why you will fail to have a great career'

Smith is a Professor of economics at the University of Waterloo in Canada and explains if you're doing a career you hate, you'll never have a good career.

3. Candy Chang – 'Before I die I want to...'

As an artist based in New Orleans, Chang made use of an abandoned building by turning it into a giant chalkboard where people would answer, 'before I die I want to...' She conspires that dreams can come true if you make the conscious decision to make them happen.

4. Angela Lee Duckworth – 'Grit, the power of passion and perseverance'

What a graduate can gather from this talk is that in order to succeed you need one key aspect, grit.

5. Meg Jay – 'Why 30 is not the new 20'

As a clinical psychologist, Jay believes that our 20s are actually some of our most defining years. She persuades us to try to lay the foundations for our career in our 20s.

6. Amy Cuddy – 'Your body language shapes who you are'

Cuddy argues that by faking your confidence through your body language, you can actually enact confidence within yourself.

7. Elizabeth Gilbert – 'Your elusive creative genius'

The author of 'Eat, Pray, Love', argues that artists aren't 'genius' but we all 'have' a genius.

8. Scott Dinsmore – 'How to find and do work you love'

Dinsmore encourages students not to work a job to build up their CV, but to chase what you genuinely love.

Also Read: 17 things that happen at every graduation ever

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