
Reading Week: Expectation Vs The Sad Reality

Reading week is designed to give students from cushy courses some much needed "time off". The intention is that you'll spend the entire week in the library catching up on essays and assignments, working hard and making your parents proud.

However, we all know that what you'll really do is go out every night of the week, spend all your money on food and panic on Sunday night when you've piss-all done. We've all been there friends, but maybe it's time to face up to the reality that is Reading week.

1. Expectation:

I'm going to get started on all my assignments early to get ahead and not be stressed.


You leave everything until Sunday night and you have three essays, two group projects, two presentations and your dissertation due that week.

2. Expectation:

As a result of my copious studying, I won't spend any money on going out. *taps own back*


You go out every single night that week, spend all your money on tequila shots, buy three rounds for your mates and puke so much bile comes up.

3. Expectation:

Instead of going out, I plan on hitting the gym at least four times this week, because a healthy body means a healthy mind.


As a result of your copious drinking, you spend each day eating two tubs of Pringles and mix it up between ordering a spicebag or Dominos. Your lowest point is when the Chinese knows your order without you saying anything.

4. Expectation:

I'm going to get up before 10am each day in order to fully seize the day and get started on all the assignments I was given three weeks ago.


You wake up hungover at around 1pm every day, stare into the mirror and weep at your pathetic excuse for a life.

5. Expectation:

Yey it's Saturday which means I'll make an organised study plan in order to proper utilise my time.


Ha, yeah right.

6. Expectation:

You finally have some time to head home and see your family. You plan on hanging out with your sister, helping your Mam bake some wholesome brown bread and walking your dog every single day.


You end up going to the pub with your friends from home most nights, the dog is morbidly obese and you eat an entire loaf of Mammy's bread to yourself – a low point.

7. Expectation:

You realise that as a result of the above, you have not one assignment finished and decide to keep a cool head and spend all weekend cracking on with them.


You're so over-whelmed with the amount of work you have to do you decide that you might as well fail and head out to the pub – classic.


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