
The 13 Best Memes Of Jacob Rees-Mogg Lounging Like An Arse

They say that the Emperor Nero fiddled while Rome burned. That so callous was he, during his people's time of need, while his city burned before him, that he sat fiddling, uncaring and oblivious. Unfortunately, during Nero's reign - approx 2,000 years ago - memes didn't exist. If they did however, we can only imagine the type of scathing treatment that he would've been subjected to for this absolutely heinous indifference. We can only hope that, at the very least, that some daring Roman satirist made a sort of hasty mosaic mocking Nero about 'fiddling' on a roof or something.

It should provide at least some small consolation that, these days, when someone in power exhibits a frankly deplorable degree of irreverence at a time of great need, we are at least able to widely pillory them via social media. After Jacob Rees-Mogg lounged on a bench during a House of Commons debate, like an awful decadent French duke, people quickly mobilised in their droves to lambast - through the power of meme - the walking antiquity that is Jacob Rees-Mogg.

Below, below are but a mere sample, a mere 13 of the best examples of what the internet has conjured forth of Jacob Rees-Mogg:

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